Cabinets I

It is starting to feel like casework is the lorem ipsum of the interiors of buildings. This post just talks about them generally.

Far as I can see there are three main buckets: Uppers, Lowers, Full Height
All of ’em conform to the 3″ increment on widths, very standard 24″/12″ depths. Most are cabinets, 1 leaf or 2 leaf? Perhaps a drawer at the top.

So a cabinet is basically: WDH, Mounting Position (floor/wall), its drawer count(0 1 or 2), and cabinetry leaf count (either 0 1 or 2). I suppose if drawer and leaf count are zero, we infer open shelving.

Door leafs cannot exceed 24″ in width. (or 30″ for a more modern look)

Our 6 Floor Mounted fighters:

Lower Cabinet Configurations
Three Drawers
Single Drawer (Trash)
Single Drawer, One Leaf
Single Drawer, Two Leaves
Single Drawer, Open Shelves
All Open Shelves

Triple Drawer

Single Trash Drawer

Single Drawer, Single Cabinet

Single Drawer, Double Cabinet

Single Drawer, Open Shelving

Open Shelving

Each * Their possible widths: (rendered in elevation, to scale)

Later I think I’d like to create a way of adding uppers combinatorically (spelling?), as well, just to show off objective variation.