It is starting to feel like casework is the lorem ipsum of the interiors of buildings. This post just talks about them generally.
Far as I can see there are three main buckets: Uppers, Lowers, Full Height
All of ’em conform to the 3″ increment on widths, very standard 24″/12″ depths. Most are cabinets, 1 leaf or 2 leaf? Perhaps a drawer at the top.
So a cabinet is basically: WDH, Mounting Position (floor/wall), its drawer count(0 1 or 2), and cabinetry leaf count (either 0 1 or 2). I suppose if drawer and leaf count are zero, we infer open shelving.
Door leafs cannot exceed 24″ in width. (or 30″ for a more modern look)
Our 6 Floor Mounted fighters:
Triple Drawer
Single Trash Drawer
Single Drawer, Single Cabinet
Single Drawer, Double Cabinet
Single Drawer, Open Shelving
Open Shelving
Each * Their possible widths: (rendered in elevation, to scale)
Later I think I’d like to create a way of adding uppers combinatorically (spelling?), as well, just to show off objective variation.