Generic Room Configurator IV

I suppose I could take on a kitchen using a slew of lookup tables. The data probably has errors because my intern is chat gpt.

Reviewing sub-types of specific appliances give us the building blocks of a more complex lookup table

Combine it all

Looks like were dealing with lots of boxes inside boxes. With the most common building block being at the 2’x 2’mark. Neat.


Unfortunately those 2×2 squares need some other kind of consideration, especially when they have operable clearances. Some of this chart makes no sense (had chat gpt make this) but in concept, shows that an object has a clearance requirement, and that can change based on available area.

Doors require more clearance to be fully opened than drawers do. Perhaps the 1 dimensional array could take into account the need for depths to be variable. Like shrinking a kitchen down so small that it turns to one of those 2′ wide by 3′ deep fridges.